With the Automated Attenadnce Verification feature, all Operators times are automatically adjusted based on the Operator's Check In and Out timestamps. The calculated hours will also include any unpaid breaks added to the OP. However, you can still perform manual adjustments if need be.
Manual Time Adjustments
To adjust the hourly pay for an Operator, please follow these steps:
- Go to the High Volume Dashboard > Adjustments.
- Under Actionable you will see any Operators whose pay you can adjust or Bids with actions that can be reversed.
- Find the Operator(s) that need adjusting and either hover over the "actual hours" column and click on the "pencil" icon to edit. Or click on the 3 action dots> Adjust hours.
- Edit the adjustment field accordingly.
Below are a few considerations to keep in mind for manual adjustments:
- Check-in and Check-out timestamps must exist for an Operator’s “Actual Hours” to be adjusted.
- Downward adjustments from the “Calculated Hours” will require input on why there’s an adjustment on the Operator’s calculated time.
- Upwards adjustments will not require additional comments.
- “Adjust to Posted Hours” will adjust Operators back to the original posted amount if their timestamps reflect less time than the posted amount.
You can still dispute or mark an Operator absent by using the “Don’t Pay” icon. Considerations:
- If a check-in timestamp exists, the business will not be able to dispute/mark absent as “No Show”, only enter an “Other” reason for the dispute.
- When reversing disputes, you must input check-in and check-out times before completing the action.
Show Restorable No Pay Ops
Any disputes submitted within the invoicing period, but outside of the actionable adjustment window, will be hidden. To show these prior disputes click the “Show all disputes” toggle on the top right.
You can then restore pay to any disputes/absences within the invoicing period (Mon-Mon 11 AM).
NOTE: For Piecework Ops you will still need to adjust the number of pieces completed, as the pieces completed cannot be assumed based on timestamps. With the hours worked and pieces completed, the Operator’s efficiency will be calculated in the Units Per Hour (UPH) metric.
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